Monday 12 May 2008

Bus Hell

Assuming, of course, that you can get onto a bus in the first place, have you ever had one of those awful, cringey moments that make you want to just curl up and die? I did this morning. I was trying to get on one of the buses which stops near where I live, to go to work. This bus was unusually small, there were a lot of people on it, and luggage too. It took, I swear, about 5 minutes for me to get into the designated wheelchair users' space because of all the aforementioned "obstacles". I do try not to run people over, particularly if someone is a fellow disabled person, but it really wasn't easy. Everyone was very nice, and, of course, smiled benignly at me in the way reserved for us crips, (OK, maybe that's a bit unfair) but I was stressed, and in my current fragile mental state I really didn't need the hassle. I hate making a spectacle of myself, and I hate making people wait. Then, of course, you're facing the entire busload of people, because it's safer for wheelchair users to travel that way, apparently. I hope the return journey is a lot easier. I guess I can look on the bright side; I didn't have to pay for my painful experience.
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