Thursday, 25 March 2010

I haven't been around for a while...

I've left undone what should have been done, and I've been found wanting! I'm sorry. This is just a quick visit to let you know about something important. We all know that this awful war has been raging on for years, and good men and women have been lost and wounded. It now feels much more personal to me; two days ago my friend's stepson was buried; he was a member of 3 Rifles, and he was only 23. He was in Afghanistan to PROTECT, not to FIGHT. This is his obit: If you would like to help to raise some money for the troops, you could do worse than join the wristband appeal (there's a banner on my blog). If you feel you'd like to, you could wear a white peace poppy: I never knew you, but RIP, Rich.

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