Friday 23 May 2008


Hello dear readers, Are you still there? I'm sorry I've not written in a while; I've been so engrossed in my play that everything else has just been put aside. I also have a new computer which is working very nicely, now, so that's a good reason to start up again. The play is going REALLY well; for a play with such somber subject matter we've had very respectable audiences, which is great. They've been either very responsive or quiet and attentive, so no complaints there. One audience in particular laughed in some very odd places; there's nowt so queer as folk, as they say. Never mind, at least they've responded. There were a lot of tears, last night, both on and offstage. My Mum and 2 of our friends enjoyed it the other night, which was very pleasing. I shall really miss it; there are only two more to go. The cast and directors (we have 2!) have been lovely to work with and I really hope we'll all keep in touch.

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